The entire show consists of 35 original oil paintings by Luz from of scenic and famous get-aways from around the world. It must be experienced in total to be fully appreciated.
“Near and Far” features a exquisite array of paintings focusing upon the unique and scenic character of the Bay Area, Northern California and sites throughout the world.
You will be transported via 35 beautiful original paintings from Foster City’s Central Lagoon and the Marina at the Port of Redwood City to the Venice waterfront and the Amalfi coast of Italy.
Visit Half Moon Bay, the Napa Valley wine country and hop across the Atlantic to London’s Westminister and then to the Greek Island of Santorini.
Travel from San Francisco’s GoldenGate Bridge to Concord’s “Old North Bridge,” the site of the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” that began the American Revolutionary War.....Then, on to Rio and the mountains of the south of Chile.
These, and many other paintings of her favorite locations around the world, will be revealed to visitors to this one-of-a-kind exhibition of places “Near and Far”
Luz Fine Art: 1421 Marlin Avenue, Foster City, CA 94404 650-281-5062